2025 Regular Legislative Session

The Mississippi State Legislature convened for the 2025 Regular Legislative Session on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. Mississippi’s Constitution states this session will be 90 days. As of today, the Legislature is expected to adjourn Sine Die by Sunday, April 6.

Below is a list of all measures (not dead) as of January 29, 2025 that may be of interest to you:

HB 290: Real property conveyance; authorize 18 year olds to contract for.
01/10 (H) Referred To Judiciary A / Sanford

HB 298: Adverse Possession; prohibit right of title.
01/10 (H) Referred To Judiciary A / Turner

HB 318: Patent confirmation process; fees and costs associated with shall not be more than amount for which the land was purchased.
01/10 (H) Referred To Business and Commerce; Judiciary A / Scott

HB 342: Mississippi Benefit Corporation Act; create.
01/10 (H) Referred To Business and Commerce; Appropriations A / Paden

HB 493: Tax liens; provide for time within which the Department of Revenue may take action to collect against.
01/10 (H) Referred To Ways and Means / Denton

HB 608: Licensure of land surveyors; merge into licensure of engineers.
01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A / Yancey

HB 711: Cemeteries on private property; provide right of access to for certain persons.
01/15 (H) Referred To Judiciary A / Hulum

HB 999: Modular home; revise definition as used under the Uniform Standards Code for Factory-Built Homes Law.
01/28 (H) Transmitted To Senate / Yancey

HB1153: Wills and estates; authorize video recorded with certain conditions.
01/20 (H) Referred To Judiciary A / Rushing

HB1154: Mississippi Law on Notarial Acts; revise to allow notaries to perform remote online notarization.
01/20 (H) Referred To Business and Commerce / Yancey

HB1198: Lands struck off to the state; require when deed is not demanded upon expiration of redemption period.
01/31 (H) Transmitted To Senate / Yates

HB1200: “Real Property Owners Protection Act”; create.
01/20 (H) Referred To Judiciary A / Powell

HB1566: Deed; require refusal of deed when required telephone numbers are not included.
01/20 (H) Referred To Judiciary A / Crudup

SB2245: 16th section land; remove board of supervisors from having to approve leases and substitute Secretary of State.
01/20 (S) Referred To Education / McCaughn

SB2246: 16th Section lands; revise leasing procedure for leases for oil, gas and mineral explorations.
01/20 (S) Referred To Education / Carter

SB2247: 16th section land; authorize local school board to grant an extension to holder of a long-term lease in good standing.
01/20 (S) Referred To Education / Johnson

SB2455: Manufactured homes; restore deleted language related to affidavit of affixation.
01/20 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division A / Fillingane

SB2456: Remote online notarization; allow.
01/20 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division A / Polk

SB2473: Land ownership; prohibit nonresident alien ownership of.
01/20 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division A; Business and Financial Institutions / Hill

SB2481: Residential subdivisions; authorize property owners to establish and/or amend covenants, conditions and restrictions.
01/20 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division A / McCaughn

SB2589: County garbage collection and liens; bring forward code sections.
01/20 (S) Referred To County Affairs / Suber

SB2814: Mineral documentary tax; repeal.
01/20 (S) Referred To Finance / McCaughn

SB2008: Carbon leases; require to be filed in the land record when separated from surface rights.
01/29 (S) Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub / McCaughn


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