Call For LTAMS Board Nominations – 2025

At each Annual Conference, two (2) directors from among the Agent and Abstractor members and two (2) directors from among the Underwriter members are elected to the Board to serve for a term of two (2) consecutive years.

The LTAMS Membership Committee will meet soon to select the slate of nominees to be elected to serve on the LTAMS Board of Directors for the following seats:

Northwest Director (Regional 1) – Agent/Abstractor
Southwest Director (Regional 3) – Agent/Abstractor
Underwriter Director 1
Underwriter Director 3

The LTAMS Board of Directors is comprised of four (4) Region Directors from among the Agent/Abstractor members, four (4) Underwriter Directors, and four (4) officers – President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. While the officers are appointed by the Directors, the Directors are elected by the members at large and serve for a term of two (2) consecutive years. Directors may serve more than one term, but are limited to two consecutive terms unless they move into an officer position. The election of Directors is decided by a plurality of votes cast. Click here to view the four regions.

If you would like to nominate an LTAMS member for consideration, simply complete our online board nomination form (You must be logged in to submit). Candidates must be a LTAMS member. Nominees should have proven leadership and decision-making skills, be effective communicators, and have the ability to commit the time required of the position. As you nominate candidates for consideration, please be aware that the committee works to ensure the overall board makeup represents a diverse cross-section of the industry.

Nominations for the LTAMS Board of Directors are due by April 1st. All nominees will be considered by the membership committee.

If you have any questions, please contact Rene’ Garner at