Title Insurance and Native American Lands: An Introduction
A significant portion of land in the United States is owned or controlled by American Indian tribes and Alaska Native Villages. These lands are frequently…
Blockchain in Real Estate Transactions
Have you heard the phrase “blockchain” and wondered what it was? You are not alone. ALTA’s Blockchain Workgroup has easy-to-understand answers to some of the…
New Associate Member: SoftPro
The Land Title Association of Mississippi (LTAMS) is pleased to announce the addition of SoftPro’s Mississippi team as new Associate Members of LTAMS. An industry…
Consumers: Will You Be Protected? Title Insurance and Ownership
Your home might be new to you, but every property has a past, and issues within that past could affect your ownership rights. Find out…
Consumers: 5 Reasons You Need Title Insurance
This is great for real estate and lender education, posting on the consumer page of your website and social media content. Originally published by American…
Protect Your Money from Wire Fraud Schemes When Buying a Home
Buying and selling a home is an exciting time, but there can be pitfalls for unsuspecting consumers. The American Land Title Association wants homeowners and…
Title Action Network
The Title Action Network (TAN) is the premier grassroots organization promoting the value of the land title insurance industry. In the current regulatory environment, our…
The ALTA Title & Settlement Agent Registry
The national ALTA Title & Settlement Agent Registry (ALTA Registry) is a searchable online database of underwriter-confirmed title agent companies, real estate attorneys, and underwriter…
5 Common Property Title Problems
Have you ever wondered why you need title insurance? Your home might be new to you, but every property has a history. Title insurance gives…
Realtors: Don’t Let Your Deal Crumble at Closing
This video is specifically for use with real estate agents. No agent wants the deal to crumble at the closing because of errors or unanswered…
Consumers: Title Insurance is Where the Smart is
For more information about your Owner’s Title Insurance Policy, ask an ALTA Member or visit HOME CLOSING 101.