[vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2=”Make a Contribution Now! Invest in LTAMSPAC” h4=”Invest in your profession!” shape=”square” style=”outline” add_button=”right” btn_title=”Contribute Now” btn_style=”classic” btn_shape=”square” btn_link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fltams.org%2Fabout%2Fpac%2Fcontribute%2F|||”]LTAMSPAC is an essential part of the advocacy program at LTAMS. The voluntary, non-partisan organization is dedicated to promoting the Mississippi land title insurance industry to members of the Mississippi Legislature and other elected officials.[/vc_cta][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_tta_accordion][vc_tta_section title=”What is a Political Action Committee (PAC)?” tab_id=”what-is-a-pac”][vc_column_text]PAC is an acronym for Political Action Committee. A political action committee is a committee formed by a business, industry, labor organization or other special interest groups. This committee is charged with the function of raising contributions from the organization or special interest group members. The funds raised by the political action committee are used to make contributions to the campaigns of political candidates whom the group or organization supports. Generally, these would be candidates who 1) have an understanding of the organization or industry making the contribution and 2) will keep the interests of the organization or industry in mind when making decisions on proposed legislation that may have an impact on that organization or industry. In more basic terms, the PAC will use those funds to support political candidates who will be friendly to our industry.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Why does LTAMS have a PAC?” tab_id=”why-does-ltams-have-a-pac”][vc_column_text]The PAC allows the members of LTAMS to pool their dollars for political contributions. As we all know, there is strength in numbers. Politicians certainly appreciate any type of support that they receive; however, a contribution from the LTAMS-PAC represents support from the more than one hundred member firms and the thousands of employees at those firms. This speaks loudly in Jackson and helps to get the voice of our organization and industry heard. By supporting candidates through the PAC, the LTAMS has increased the recognition of our industry in Jackson. This, in turn, has increased our participation in the shaping of legislation that affects our industry and all of our livelihoods. I think we all agree that that is something important!
The LTAMS-PAC Committee is a voluntary, non-partisan committee of Mississippi land title professionals and other interested parties. It is not be affiliated with any political party, cause, or candidate. Its purpose is to:
- Promote and strive for the improvement of government in Mississippi by encouraging land title professionals and others to take a more active and effective role in government affairs.
- Encourage land title professionals and others to know and understand the nature and actions of their state government; the important political, social, and economic issues of the day; and the role of office holders and candidates in meeting those issues.
- Assist land title professionals and others in organizing themselves for more effective political action so they might more intelligently carry out their civic, social and economic responsibilities.
- Raise funds for the aforementioned purposes, and from such funds make contributions to or for the benefit of candidates for appropriate elective offices without regard for party affiliation.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”How does my contribution help?” tab_id=”how-does-my-contribution-help”][vc_column_text]By supporting and making a contribution to LTAMS-PAC, you are helping LTAMS-PAC develop and strengthen relationships with members of the Mississippi state legislature and other public officials. Your contributions are critical to LTAMS’ legislative efforts at the Capitol as we educate and advocate on behalf of the title industry. LTAMS-PAC supports the election and re-election of candidates who have positions and perspectives that are in alignment with the title insurance industry and who are committed to creating good public policy and fair regulation for our industry. Your contribution to LTAMS-PAC will go a long way toward preserving and promoting LTAMS’ initiatives in the state legislature and defeating proposed legislation that will have a negative impact on the title industry. The title industry is facing some tough challenges and our association needs to be united and committed to creating a strong PAC. In order to continue to build on our success in the future, we need you to make a contribution to LTAMS-PAC. Members of LTAMS can contribute at the time they apply or renew for membership or anytime throughout the year. Members can also attend and participate in special LTAMS-PAC fundraising events held throughout the year including at the annual convention. Special recognition and invitations to special events are granted to those who contribute at specific levels.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Where does all the money go? Who decides where the money goes?” tab_id=”where-does-all-the-money-go”][vc_column_text]All funds raised by the LTAMS-PAC are placed in a bank account that is overseen by the LTAMS Board of Directors. The funds in this account are used to make contributions to political campaigns and fundraisers. The decisions on who is supported and how much is contributed are made by the LTAMS Board based on recommendations from our lobbyist, and with input from the Legislative Standing Committee. Additionally, many recommendations come from members at large who have relationships with politicians from their local markets.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”What is the purpose of LTAMS-PAC?” tab_id=”what-is-the-purpose-of-ltams-pac”][vc_column_text]The LTAMS-PAC Committee is a voluntary, non-partisan committee of Mississippi land title professionals and other interested parties. It shall not be affiliated with any political party, cause, or candidate. Its purpose is to:
- Promote and strive for the improvement of government in Mississippi by encouraging land title professionals and others to take a more active and effective role in government affairs.
- Encourage land title professionals and others to know and understand the nature and actions of their state government; the important political, social, and economic issues of the day; and the role of office holders and candidates in meeting those issues.
- Assist land title professionals and others in organizing themselves for more effective political action so they might more intelligently carry out their civic, social and economic responsibilities.
- Raise funds for the aforementioned purposes, and from such funds make contributions to or for the benefit of candidates for appropriate elective offices without regard for party affiliation.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Does LTAMS-PAC have its own board?” tab_id=”does-ltams-pac-have-its-own-board”][vc_column_text]Yes. LTAMS-PAC’s board consists of up to ten (10) trustee members. Each trustee is an officer or Director of the Land Title Association of Mississippi or a past officer or Director that is employed by a member company. One member of the board is the immediate Past President of LTAMS and one of the members is the current Chairman of the Legislative Committee, both of whom serve for a one year term. At each annual meeting, up to four additional members are elected for no more than two-year terms. All elected members, the Past President, and Chairman of the Legislative Committee must be members in good standing at the time of election or automatic appointment and must maintain their membership during their term as trustee.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Does LTAMS-PAC have officers?” tab_id=”does-ltams-pac-have-officers”][vc_column_text]Yes. LTAMS-PAC’s has the following officers:
Chairman | Chief Executive Officer of LTAMS-PAC. Ex-officio member of all committees. Presides at all LTAMS-PAC meetings. |
Vice-Chairman | Assumes the Chairs responsibilities in the absence of the Chairman. |
Secretary | Maintains all committee minutes and records. |
Treasurer | Manages activities of the Committee between meetings. Serves as custodian of the Committees funds: |
Collects contributions. Disburses all monies in accordance with Board directions. Keeps accurate accounts and prepares financial statements. Files reports with governmental authorities as instructed by the Board.Note: This position can be combined with the position of Secretary. |